
Showing posts from 2019


100 INSTRUCTION FROM THE QURAN Add caption Do not be rude in speech  (3:159) Restrain Anger  (3:134) Be good to others  (4:36) Do not be arrogant  (7:13) Forgive others for their mistakes  (7:199) Speak to people mildly  (20:44) Lower your voice  (31:19) Do not ridicule others  (49:11) Be dutiful to parents  (17:23) Do not say a word of disrespect to parents  (17:23) Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58) Write down the debt  (2:282) Do not follow anyone blindly  (2:170) Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time (2:280) Don’t consume interest  (2:275) Do not engage in bribery  (2:188) Do not break the promise  (2:177) Keep the trust  (2:283) Do not mix the truth with falsehood  (2:42) Judge with justice between people  (4:58) Stand out firmly for justice  (4:135) Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members  (4:7) Women also have the right for inheritance  (4:7) Do not devour the proper

As a Man thinketh

Thought in the Mind hath made us, What we are. By thought Was wrought and Built. If a Man's Mind Hath evil Thoughts, Pains come on him as comes The wheel the Ox Behind... If one endure, in the purity of thought, Joy follows him As his own shadow sure.